Dejica, Daniel & Carlo Eugeni, Anca Dejica-Cartis (eds.) 2020. Translation Studies and Information Technology - New Pathways for Researchers, Teachers and Professionals. 212p. ISBN: 978-606-35-0351-1.

”This volume collects a cutting-edge survey of the interrelationships between Translation Studies and Information Technology. The first section deals with topics that might be useful for researchers, while in the second various profitable inputs are offered for teachers, with a view to proposing instruments for translators’ and interpreters’ training. The third part is destined for professionals in several domains of translation, with more practically-oriented chapters on tools and accessible translation strategies. The wide coverage and the currently-relevant topics make the volume a valuable instrument for academics and professionals alike.”
Professor Silvia Bruti, University of Pisa, Italy

The world has been changing rapidly, pushed forward by four industrial revolutions. The First Industrial Revolution mechanized production through steam and waterpower. The Second, introduced electricity and mass production. The Third - called the Digital Revolution - used electronics and information technology. Now we stand on the brink of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - the Technological one. We do not yet know how it will change institutions, industries and individuals but our instincts and past experiences suggest the change will be profound. This volume shows the immense changes already happening in translation studies and translation industry and gives us a glimpse of what the future of our field might look like.”
Professor Anna Jankowska, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland

For a digital immigrant like me this volume is exactly what I needed, accessible, informative and cutting edge. The book is helpfully divided into those most useful for theory and research, practical teaching or for the professional. It is a one-stop shop for any reader interested in how 'translation' is evolving  in the digital era, with a running thread on the practical opportunities, problems and solutions regarding classroom teaching, translator competence, digital tools on the online world and practical applications from audio subtitling to computer-aided interpreting.
Professor David Katan, University of Salento, Italy

”Daniel Dejica, Carlo Eugeni and Anca Dejica-Cartis have managed to gather high-quality contributions by experts in the field of translation and technology. Their scientific experience and technical expertise are concretely translated into highly interesting topics from the research, didactic and professional standpoint. Human-computer interaction in translation is a cutting-edge topic and each of the 17 papers collected here are capable of raising awareness, sharing experience, and shedding light on an increasingly hybrid scenario.”
Professor Haysam Safar, University of Mons, Belgium